Sauerkraut Demonstration & Weck Fermenting Jar Tutorial
Basic Sauerkraut Fermentation Demonstration & Weck Jar Tutorial
As you can see this 1.5L Weck jar fits approximately 1.5Kg of vegetables.
There are many variations to sauerkraut this is just a simple mix that I decided to show as I had these ingredients in the garden.
I've aimed for 3% Salt (I wouldn't use anything other than Himalayan Pink Salt or Celtic Sea Salt). So for 1500g vegetables this is 45g salt (the research supports 1.5-3% salt, I like saltier, the salt will slow the fermentation process down however, but also acts as more of a deterrent to pathological bacteria, whilst allowing the beneficial lactic acid forming bacteria to thrive.)
Stay tuned for more blog posts on fermentation in the coming weeks where I'll be reviewing the different fermenting vessels, starter cultures, books and other resources and an indepth review of the scientific literature for the nerd like myself :)