RECIPE | Basic Ghee
Skimming impurities off
Ghee is great for cooking at high temperatures as it doesnt break down into harmful free radicals until around 250 degrees Celsius (480 F). Similar to butter but for those who are strongly dairy sensitive it has the impurities, casein, lactose & whey removed. Has a stable shelf life and doesn’t require refrigeration.
Ghee Health Benefits:
Vitamins - rich in the fat soluble vitamins A,D,E & K2
Acids - Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA) & Butyric Acid (BA) or Butyrate. CLA is in high quantities in butter from cows fed pasture, providing great cancer protection and helps build muscle instead of storing body fat. According to a recent 2014 study This paper is the first report of the antioxidant and antiatherogenic properties of the high CLA enriched ghee suggesting that high CLA ghee can be used as a potential food for decreasing the risk of cardiovascular diseases For an extensive list of benefits here is a link to references.
Short Chain Fatty Acids: Butyrate - Butyrate is naturally is produced in the gut where beneficial bacteria covert fibre into butyric acid, and it has been shown that in people with an unhealthy digestive tract Butyrate is not produced in significant quantities. Butyrate is the preferred energy substrate for the colon epithelial cells, and helps maintain intestinal wall integrity. Butyrate has also been shown to improve immune function through its role in the production of natural killer T cells.
Ingredients & Equipment
800g Butter grass-fed & organic. Unsalted (although not essential)
Fine metal strainer
Stainless steel pan preferably nickel free. Solid Teknics make the best non-toxic cookware in my opinion
Glass jar to bottle
Place butter in the pan on medium heat until it has melted then turn down to lowest heat setting
SIMMER you will notice that it will foam on the top with time SKIM off all the impurities that rise to the top with the fine metal strainer. This process usually is ongoing for about an hour. As you skim off more and more will continue to form. Eventually it will reach a point when there is no more foam and the impurities have all been removed. Discard the impurities. Turn the stove off and allow to cool a little before transferring into glass jar. I like to pour it into the glass jar through the metal strainer just to be sure. You can also run it through a muslin or cheese cloth.
Notes: If storing out of the fridge keep out of direct sunlight and seal the lid well, should last a month easily. If in the fridge will last longer.
Whilst a great source of Butyrate for those looking to supplement for a bit extra support here are some of the best high quality butyrate supplements available:
Tesseract ProButyrate®