Neurohacker Collective - Qualia Mind

Neurohacker Collective - Qualia Mind
Qualia Mind | Premium Nootropic | Brain Health & Mental Performance
Neurohacker Collective - Qualia Mind 105 capsules
Qualia Mind is the result of thousands of hours of research and development by top scientists in complex-systems modeling, neurobiology, organic chemistry, and dozens of MDs and PhDs. With 28 ingredients, each chosen for their beneficial and the synergistic properties of how they work in combination, Qualia Mind helps to enhance focus, memory, and mental clarity across several major neurological systems. The aim of creating Qualia Mind is to support your body’s own ability to upregulate the production of key neurotransmitters, BDNF (Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor), and other pathways that are critical for optimal brain function.
In addition to immediate neurochemical and physiological effects, Qualia Mind goes a step further addressing long-term cognitive health benefits, especially important for persons wanting to optimize memory and brain health throughout the aging process.
Supports Neuron Synaptic Formation
Supports Acetylcholine Signaling
Supports Brain Mitochondrial Function
Qualia Mind is designed to:
Promote Memory & Long Term Brain Health
Fuel Focus & Productivity
Amplify Drive & Mental Energy
Enhance Mood & Problem Solving
Enhances BDNF (Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor)*
Supports Neuron & Synaptic Function*
Supports Prefrontal Cortex Activity*
Supports Neurotransmitter Signaling*
Enhances Stress Resilience*
Huperzia serrata Leaf extract (1% Huperzine A)
Celastrus Paniculatus Seed Extract
Bacopa monnieri Extract
Ginkgo Biloba Leaf Extract (24% glycosides)
Mucuna Pruriens Extract
Alpha-glycerophosphocholine (Alpha-GPC)
Cognizin® Citicoline
Coffeeberry® Whole Coffee Fruit Extract
Vitamin D3 (Cholecalciferol)
Vitamin C (as Ascorbic Acid)
Vitamin B1 (Thiamine)
Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxal-5-Phosphate)
Vitamin B12 (Methylcobalamin)
Vitamin B5 (Calcium Pantothenate)
Niacinamide (Vitamin B3)
Pyrroloquinoline Quinone (PQQ)
Rhodiola rosea Root Extract
Amino Acids
Herbal Tonics
Artichoke Stem and Leaf Extract
Coleus Forskohlii Root Extract (20% Forskolin extract)
Phosphatidylserine (from sunflower lecithin)
DHA (as Docosahexenoic Acid from Algae)
Qualia Mind Key Ingredients
Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA) is one of the three main omega-3 fatty acids (or n−3 fatty acids), along with alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA). DHA is the most abundant omega-3 fatty acid in the brain, with high concentrations in gray matter and the cerebral cortex, where it is a main structural component of the neuronal cell membrane and supports cell signaling functions. DHA is also found in high concentrations in the retina, where it supports healthy vision. DHA supports dopamine and serotonin signaling. Although DHA can be produced in the body via conversion from its precursor α-linolenic acid (ALA), this occurs only to a limited extent, with diet being the major source of DHA. Cold-water fish are one of the best food sources of DHA (as well as EPA). Most of the DHA in fish originates from the microalgae they consume. DHA from algae, in essence, takes the middleman out of the equation, and is a vegan and vegetarian-friendly way of increasing dietary intake of DHA without having to consume fish or other animal products.*
DHA (as Docosahexaenoic Acid from Algae) is supplied by Evonik, a leading German healthcare company, as AvailOm® Algal DHA.
AvailOm® Algal DHA is sustainably sourced and was developed to be a best-in-class DHA powder with superior bioavailability and stability.
AvailOm® Algal DHA is a gluten-free, non-GMO and vegan ingredient.
Citicoline | CDP-choline | Cytidine 5'-diphosphocholine
Supports mental energy *
Supports focus and attention *
Supports brain health and cognitive performance *
Cognizin® is a branded citicoline (CDP-choline) that provides nutritional support for brain energy, attention, focus, and recall. Citicoline is a choline and cytidine-containing intermediate in the generation of phosphatidylcholine from choline. It can be used to augment the body and brain choline pool. Citicoline and Alpha-glycerophosphocholine (alpha-GPC) are considered the nootropic forms of choline, with both being able to increase brain choline levels, act as building blocks for acetylcholine, and support choline-dependent functions. Following ingestion, citicoline yields choline and cytidine, the latter being converted into uridine in humans. These compounds can be used to produce the phosphatidylcholine needed for the structure and function of healthy cell membranes. Phosphatidylcholine can also be used for acetylcholine synthesis . Acetylcholine is central to brain neurotransmission; it plays a supportive role in attention, concentration, mental focus, and memory. Acetylcholine is also used in both the fight or flight and rest and relax parts of the autonomic nervous system, and it is a signaling molecule for activating muscles. Cognizin® is a branded citicoline (CDP-choline) that provides nutritional support for brain energy, attention, focus, and recall.*
Cognizin® is a patented and clinically studied form of citicoline, a substance vital to brain health and energy.
Cognizin® Citicoline has been used in a number of human studies. It provides nutritional support for brain energy, attention, focus, and recall.
Cognizin® Citicoline is non-GMO, vegan, Kosher, and GRAS.
Cognizin® is a registered trademark of Kyowa Hakko Bio Co.
Cognizin® Citicoline is typically consumed in amounts between 250 and 500 mg/day when used alone as a nootropic in healthy adults. Neurohacker believes the evidence suggests a threshold response (see Neurohacker Dosing Principles) for citicoline when given to healthy people, which means the majority of functional benefits occur at the lower end of the range, with a doubling of the serving from 250 to 500 mg producing only modest additional functional gains. The amount included in a formulation may be below the amount used in studies when it has been given alone, because Neurohacker Collective’s experience with citicoline is that, when used with other ingredients that influence choline levels and metabolism, a more modest serving can be sufficient.*
Supports brain function and cognitive performance *
Supports a calm mood *
Supports healthy stress responses *
Supports antioxidant defenses *
Supports neuroprotection *
Supports vascular function *
Bacopa monnieri has been used in Ayurvedic medicine for almost 3000 years. One of its main traditional uses has been as a neural tonic to support intelligence, cognitive performance, nervous system rejuvenation, and brain function. These traditional uses have made it a favorite nootropic herb. Scientific studies on B. monnieri have focused primarily on cognitive function and mood. B. monnieri has also shown adaptogenic properties, supporting the brain and nervous system during stress. B. monnieri contains saponins called bacosides. These compounds, most notably bacosides A and B, are believed to underlie the plant’s nootropic reputation . B. monnieri also has strong antioxidant properties that may contribute to neuroprotective functions in the brain.*
Bacopa monnieri Extract is made from plants harvested in India and uses a 10:1 herb to extract ratio.
Bacopa monnieri Extract is standardized to contain 20% bacosides (this is the sum of bacosides such as bacopaside I, bacoside A3, bacopaside II, jujubogenin isomer of bacopasaponin C and bacopasaponin C).
Bacopa monnieri Extract is NON-GMO and vegan.
Supports cognitive function*
Supports exercise performance*
Alpha-glycerophosphocholine (alpha-GPC) is a choline-containing phospholipid that can be used to augment the body and brain choline pool. In this role it serves as a precursor for both acetylcholine and phosphatidylcholine biosynthesis. Alpha-GPC and citicoline (i.e., CDP-choline) are considered the nootropic forms of choline, with both forms able to increase brain choline levels, act as building blocks for acetylcholine, and support choline-dependent neurotransmission . However, of the two, alpha-GPC contains a higher proportion of choline, so a lower dose of alpha-GPC gives greater choline support than a similar dose of citicoline. This means that by weight alpha-GPC is the more efficient choline precursor. Following an oral dose, alpha-GPC metabolizes into choline and the phospholipid glycerophosphate. The choline can be used for acetylcholine synthesis and neurotransmission. Acetylcholine is central to brain neurotransmission; it’s also used in both the fight or flight and rest and relax parts of the autonomic nervous system; and it is a signaling molecule for activating muscles. Because alpha-GPC is a precursor in the biosynthesis of acetylcholine, it plays a supportive role in a variety of cognitive functions, including attention, concentration, mental focus, and memory formation and recall. Alpha-GPC also supports aspects of muscle performance, and is involved in maintaining organs and tissues. And, because alpha-GPC can be readily metabolized into phosphatidylcholine, it can be used to support the structure and function of cell membranes. Alpha-GPC is found in low amounts in a variety of foods and in breast milk .*
Alpha-glycerophosphocholine (Alpha-GPC) is a source of choline; it is able to influence both systemic and brain concentrations of choline.
Alpha-GPC is derived from soy.
Neurohacker uses an Alpha-GPC that is sourced to be non-GMO, gluten-free, and vegan.
If taking medication, pregnant, or breastfeeding please consult a licensed healthcare provider before taking this supplement. Vitamin supplements should not replace a balanced diet. Always read the label. Use as directed. If symptoms persist, talk to your health professional.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration or TGA. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. The information contained herein is for informational purposes only and does not establish a doctor-patient relationship.
This product contains ingredients* that should not be taken by people on MAO inhibitors, SSRIs, or any other psychiatric or neurological medicines.
It should not be taken by people with psychiatric or neurologic disorders, high blood pressure, heart conditions, endocrine disorders, cancer, phenylketonuria (PKU), muscular dystrophy or people on immunosuppressive therapy.
It should not be taken by pregnant or nursing mothers, or children under 18.
This product should not be taken within 12 hours of bedtime as it may cause restlessness.
If any undesired side effects are noticed, discontinue product immediately, and seek proper medical attention if needed.
Before taking Qualia or any supplement please consult with your physician beforehand to confirm that there are no potential contraindications.
Other common names for Uridine - Uridine Monophosphate | Uridine-5'-Monophosphoric Acid | UMP | 5′-Uridylic Acid
Supports cognitive function*
Supports sleep*
Uridine is one of the 5 standard nucleosides; the others are adenosine, cytidine, guanosine, and thymidine. These compounds are the building blocks of the main information carrier molecules in the body (DNA and RNA), and play a central role in cellular metabolism. ATP—the “A” standing for adenosine—is known for its role in carrying packets of chemical energy needed for cellular functions. Uridine plays a similar role in two non-ATP high-energy molecules used in a subset of metabolic reactions. Uridine is needed for UTP (made from uridine instead of adenosine) as an activator of substrates in some specific metabolic reactions. Uridine can also be converted into cytidine and support CTP. In this role, it is used for the synthesis of the glycerophospholipids (including phosphatidylcholine in the Kennedy pathway) needed for healthy cell membranes throughout the body and in the brain. And uridine may support different neuroregulatory processes and neurotransmitters. Uridine also crosses the blood-brain barrier . These structural and functional roles have led to it being used as a nootropic. Uridine is considered to be one of the natural sleep-promoting substances made by the brain, acting via uridine receptors in the areas of the brain which regulate natural sleep.*
Uridine is supplied in a phosphorylated form as Uridine-5'-Monophosphoric Acid because this form is more stable, helps it get past the digestive system and liver intact, and allows it to cross the blood-brain barrier.
Uridine is Non-GMO and Vegan.