Guest Recipe | Duck Egg Quiche w/ Beef Bacon

Duck Egg Quiche

Duck Egg Quiche

This guest recipe is courtesy of Canadian Chiropractor Dr Ryan Coster from Moncton Chiro Clinic

Ever want something different from bacon and eggs for a healthy breakfast? Well here's a simple idea that is packed with nutrients and easy to prepare. In this quiche recipe, we use duck eggs, however, chicken or ostrich eggs also work just as well.  Also, the beef bacon we use may not be so readily available, so feel free to alternate that for nitrate-free good quality pork bacon .Thus, with pleasure, here we go!


Duck Egg Quiche with Beef Bacon:
10 Duck Eggs (or 10 chicken eggs)
¼ cup Double Thick Cream (for paleo substitute coconut cream)
200 g Beef Bacon (or substitute nitrate-free pork bacon)
½ Brown Onion (chopped)
1 tsp Garlic (crushed)
8-10 Cherry Tomatoes (chopped)
¾ tsp Black Peppercorns (freshly cracked)
1 tsp Sea Salt (celtic or Himilayan)
½ tsp Dill Leaf Tips
½ tsp Rosemary Leaves
½ tsp Coconut Oil


In a bowl, gently beat the eggs with a whisk and them combine with double thick cream.

Add the chopped onion, tomatoes, and crushed garlic to the bowl; then add pepper, salt, dill, and rosemary as well. Mix.

Fry the beef bacon in a pan over medium heat until slightly crisped. Let cool and add to the bowl.

Rub coconut oil on a glass Pyrex casserole baking dish to avoid sticking. Place the contents of mixing bowl into the baking dish and cook for 20-30 mins at 200 degrees Celsius. Watch carefully to not burn.

Remove from oven when ready and allow it to settle for 5-10 minutes before serving.Add sea salt and freshly cracked black pepper to taste. Enjoy!What a beauty! Happy eating!

Dr Ryan Coster is an Aussie-Canadian enjoying the good things in life and making healthy lifestyle choices along the way. Scuba diving, fermenting and paleo-style eating are all part of his journey. More of Ryan's recipes can be found on Instagram at: